Monday, September 07, 2009

a bit of fun on the beach at Fort Pierce Inlet Park

Luke had a blast sinking Peter in the sand, and then throwing water on him. We finally ended up at the pool in the hotel to wash off all that salt.

weekend vacation - Isabella and Luke

too much fun!!

weekend vacation sand and waves

Can't tell you how much fun the kids had... except for everyone getting burned. Ahhhhh, wouldn't feel like tourists in FL without the burn.

weekend vacation

Just a clip of a party visitor. It was actually pretty far away.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

First soccer game of the year

Peter's first soccer game of the year! And first time in a real soccer field. What a blast! and even better, my camera is still working!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Peter's first fish!

We did finally let it go

more fishing fun

Luke tried his hand at fishing too,

but he preferred to just eat the bread that we were using for bait.

The one that did not get away.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Last days of vacation

Peter starts school tomorrow. So he figured he would enjoy his last few vacation days his way... as only Peter can

I still think the most fun of a vacation is the hotel room!

More of Miami Zoo

I had to shre this one.... can't get more nasty then Hissing Coacroaches!!!

I had to take a picture of this... I had to walk away after taking the picture... yes that is a tarantula.....eeeewwww

Family vacations are always too short!

The family took advantage of a miami trip to go to the Miami Zoo!
Don't even bother going if you don't intend to rent one of these! Alot of fun, and the only way to get around in 98 degree weather.

Then of course there was the end of the day. The hot August summer outdoors and missing nap time did not help Luke at all.

And Peter let us know he was done too....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yes, daddy was too tired to bother with the bathing suit for the second time today.

Ahh the joys of relaxation - that only a 2 year old can experience.

Look daddy, I can do a back flip in one foot of water.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Last week

Peter's International day at school.
School is out now and we are frantic trying to find things to keep him busy.

Luke, just got his cast off, barely walking, but still smiling!

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Peter Celebrating Memorial Day weekend

"Didn't catch anything,
but you should have seen the one that we almost got"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Life goes on

Peter, before a game.

Luke - still smiling!!